Mystic Magic

From Anxiety to Love

July 14, 2023 Season 6 Episode 10

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Rev. Celeste's guest is Corrine Zupko. Her specialties are mindfulness-based stress reduction classes, mindfulness meditation training, "A Course in Miracles" mentoring, stress reduction, and wellness enhancement.

Corinne chose to be a coach because she feels drawn to helping people.  She chose to major in psychology and went on to get a counseling degree. She now supports people through spiritual teaching. She still has a stress hormone, and is a human who goes through challenging times, but now she has tools that work. She comes from a growth expectation. She knows there is something to learn through every challenge.

Corinne was diagnosed with her first anxiety disorder at a very young age and struggled with debilitating anxiety for nearly two decades. Her mother kept encouraging her to look at the spiritual text, "A Course in Miracles ". (ACIM). The ACIM phrase: "Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists" caught her  attention on her journey.  Because her anxieties have been existential, ACIM has taken her to the depth of her anxieties in meeting the questions of why we are here. The Course internally resonated with her. ACIM encouraged her to look at what is coming up for her. She refers to the Holy Spirit as her inner therapist.

She no longer needs to read ACIM every day.  She approaches her life with defenselessness. She gets radically honest and is willing to look at her ego, be shown by Spirit how to make a shift, and open up to Love. Cultivating the relationship by dialoging with Spirit has been the antidote to her fear and anxiety. When she recognizes she is not alone, a sense of purpose comes and a deep fulfillment comes from that that is enormously nourishing. 

When she is in her inner peace, she feels absolute love and connection with everything. It's a feeling of pure acceptance, of oneness with God and every other living thing. She feels a radiance that cannot be contained.

She started to write down what was helpful to her and it took seven years to write her book. It contains the foundational tools that helped her heal. 

As a mindfulness teacher, she has found that multitasking is a myth and is not efficient. Paying attention on purpose moment-to-moment, using our senses, using our breath, and doing a body scan helps us tune in. Being mindful even brushing our teeth can help us stay focused. Coupling mindfulness with a spiritual journey helps her watch her mind, and be honest when the ego-self pops up.

Corinne is the author of the award-winning book, "From Anxiety to Love" ( The book is also on Audible. She is an Adjunct Professor of Counselor Education at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) and teaches weekly mindfulness meditation classes at a major U.S. financial institution. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a National Certified Counselor and Board Certified Coach.

Her Websites:

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